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Due to the Red Weather Warning issued for Friday 24 January, we have made the decision to close our office to ensure the safety of our staff. Our team will be working from home during this time.

Please note that we will be available to receive your calls. However, we will only instruct contractors to attend to repairs where it is safe to do so.  There may be delays in your calls being answered and we would appreciate your patience as we deal with a higher than usual call volume.  


What to do in the case of noisy neighbours

We all have neighbours. Some live closer than others, and some are noisier than others. Everyone deserves to live in their own home peacefully without having to hear noise from other people’s homes, but noisy neighbours are a problem most of us have dealt with at least once in our lives. As property managers, we sometimes get complaints of noisy neighbours. Unfortunately, this is not an issue we can deal with directly, however, we can offer some general guidance and advice.

Talk to your neighbours

Approaching your neighbours for a chat is usually the best way to resolve noise issues. Your neighbour/s may not even be aware of just how much noise they are making until someone approaches them.

Obvious as this option may seem, approaching your neighbours to complain about noise isn’t always so easy because understandably, we don’t all like confrontation. If you do plan on approaching your neighbours, you should:

  • Approach them in a calm, polite and friendly manner. Never tackle the situation rudely as it could only make matters worse.
  • Choose the right moment to approach them. As tempting as it may be to rattle on your neighbour’s door if they are having a loud party, for example, you’re better waiting until the following day when the noise has quietened down and alcohol is not involved.
  • Let them know how the noise is affecting you. Is it keeping you up at night? Is it keeping your children awake?

Contact police

If talking to your neighbours doesn’t work, contacting the police is the next best solution. You’re advised to call the police if your neighbour:

  • Is violent, threatening or abusive
  • Is harassing you because of your sexuality, religion or ethnic background
  • Is breaking the law in any other way – or if you suspect this.

One way police may deal with excessive noise is issuing the neighbour you are reporting with an Antisocial Behaviour Order (ASBO). For persistent offenders, contacting the police can help them build up a record of disturbances over time.

Contact local council

Finally, if all other approaches have failed, you can seek help from your local council. Noise is known as a ‘statutory nuisance’ and your council has a duty to investigate any statutory nuisance.

Other statutory nuisance includes:

  • Artificial lighting
  • Dust, steam, smell or insects from business premises
  • Smoke, fume or gases
  • A build up of rubbish that could harm health

Councils can issue a ‘noise abatement order’ if they decide a neighbour is causing a statutory nuisance. This tells the neighbour what action they must take to stop making a noise nuisance or face further legal action.

Antisocial Behaviour teams within councils tend to deal with noise complaints. They are on hand from 10pm till 6am.

If you have any questions about what we do at James Gibb please get in touch with the relevant office using the contact details here.

Out of Hours Emergency. Call us on 0333 240 8325 where our helpline operators will assist you

Glasgow (Head Office)

Red Tree Magenta, 3rd Floor,

270 Glasgow Road, Glasgow, G73 1UZ 



Edinburgh Office

23 Alva Street, 

Edinburgh, EH2 4PS





Aberdeen Office

Suite 1B, 26-28 Merchant Exchange,
Exchange Street, Aberdeen, AB11 6PH 







Dundee Office

Unit J, Prospect Business Centre,
Gemini Crescent, Dundee, DD2 1TY 



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