Due to technical upgrades being carried out on Wednesday 19 February our phonelines may be down during these essential works. If you experience any issues contacting us by telephone during this time, please contact your regional office by email and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.
James Gibb+
Having listened to our customers and learned more about what you demand of your property manager today, we invested in the development of our secure online customer portal James Gibb+, to provide easier access to important information regarding the maintenance and management of your property and development and further improve the overall customer experience.
Delivering on the expectations of honesty, clarity, quality and operational performance, our customer centred culture concentrates on creating positive and effective communications with our customers, resulting in more constructive customer service interactions and beneficial outcomes.
James Gibb+ and the James Gibb+ App allows you to view invoices and pay and control your account online and in real time. You can also view and download development specific information such as your Development Manager’s site inspection visit schedules, Financial Information, Contracts and Specifications, Contractor Reports, Insurance Documentation and Client Notices. Documents included within these categories, where applicable, include:
Find out what's online at James Gibb +
James Gibb+ App
James Gibb+ is also available as an App which can be downloaded free of charge from the usual Apple or Android stores onto your phone or tablet ensuring constant “on the move” access.

Accessing James Gibb+
Access to the customer portal is made by entering your Account Number and James Gibb+ password, both available at the top section of your invoice and on any correspondence items you receive from us.
If you cannot access the internet, all details are available in hard copy format on request.