Due to technical upgrades being carried out on Wednesday 19 February our phonelines may be down during these essential works. If you experience any issues contacting us by telephone during this time, please contact your regional office by email and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.
Virtual Meetings

Since the start of lockdown, we’ve invested in various video conferencing platforms which have allowed us to have virtual meetings with our colleagues and suppliers. In fact, many of us make little use of the telephone now for internal calls as it’s nice to see a different face during a call when we’re all stuck at home.
Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve trialled this technology with a few of our residents’ committees and have seen success in holding virtual committee meetings / AGMs etc.
While current restrictions are in place, we’d like to extend this trial to all developments and we encourage you to consider using video conferencing for meetings with us until the guidance allows us to return to some form of normality.
You don’t need any fancy software to do this. A PC, tablet or mobile phone with internet access is all that you require. Our preferred platform for these external meetings is “Zoom” and we have bought the licences required to co-ordinate meetings from this end.
Our development managers will be in touch with committees, residents’ associations etc.
to encourage the use of this technology with us. In the meantime, if you do wish to
set up a meeting with us, give us a call on 0333 240 8325 or send us an email at enquiries@jamesgibb.co.ukand we’ll be more than happy to set up the process for you.