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Due to the Red Weather Warning issued for Friday 24 January, we have made the decision to close our office to ensure the safety of our staff. Our team will be working from home during this time.

Please note that we will be available to receive your calls. However, we will only instruct contractors to attend to repairs where it is safe to do so.  There may be delays in your calls being answered and we would appreciate your patience as we deal with a higher than usual call volume.  


Communal maintenance responsibility explained

Communal areas or common parts are the shared parts of the building/development outwith the boundary of your home. These areas, which are owned jointly by homeowners, may include the following:

  • Stairs and stairwells
  • Corridors
  • Lifts
  • Garden/grassed areas
  • Roofs, gutters, and downpipes
  • External walls
  • Boundary Fence
  • Car Park
  • Joint liability

Where there are common areas, homeowners, who are the duty holders, will be jointly liable for the upkeep and maintenance of those areas.

The specific responsibilities and share of costs for each homeowner is set out within your Deed of Conditions and your solicitor is responsible for highlighting these responsibilities to you prior to the purchase of a property.

For a newbuild development, the Developer will in most instances carry out a tender exercise to appoint a Factor of their choice to manage the common areas of the development, on behalf of all homeowners.

The specification of works, prepared by the Developer, will detail the scope of service which they expect to be provided by the Factor, on behalf of all homeowners. This information allows James Gibb to seek quotations from our approved contractors.

James Gibb will submit a Tender to manage the development, which includes providing the Developer with an estimated budget, based on their service requirements.

Further information

You can access further information at which provides impartial information on your obligations as a homeowner, as well as other aspects of communal living.

At James Gibb we actively promote the provision of high standards of service delivery and operational best practice, whilst ensuring homeowners and residents are always treated with the utmost respect.

James Gibb doing it the right way

Out of Hours Emergency. Call us on 0333 240 8325 where our helpline operators will assist you

Glasgow (Head Office)

Red Tree Magenta, 3rd Floor,

270 Glasgow Road, Glasgow, G73 1UZ 



Edinburgh Office

23 Alva Street, 

Edinburgh, EH2 4PS





Aberdeen Office

Suite 1B, 26-28 Merchant Exchange,
Exchange Street, Aberdeen, AB11 6PH 







Dundee Office

Unit J, Prospect Business Centre,
Gemini Crescent, Dundee, DD2 1TY 



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