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Due to the Red Weather Warning issued for Friday 24 January, we have made the decision to close our office to ensure the safety of our staff. Our team will be working from home during this time.

Please note that we will be available to receive your calls. However, we will only instruct contractors to attend to repairs where it is safe to do so.  There may be delays in your calls being answered and we would appreciate your patience as we deal with a higher than usual call volume.  


Taking our staff training online

At James Gibb, we are constantly looking for new, innovative ways to improve on the delivery standards both us as a company, and you as a customer, expect. To this end, we are pleased to be investing in our in-house training for staff by introducing a new online platform. It will take the form of an e-learning management system, which will be accessible to our team from any location, at any time.

Training modules will be created and uploaded to the platform and all staff will be able to study, learn and understand relevant aspects of our business. We aim to improve overall business and industry knowledge whilst building upon their already great customer service and property management skills. In an ever-changing industry, we see the e-learning platform as the perfect tool to ensure all of our staff are fully up to date with requirements, our internal processes and service expectations. Exams and certificates will be given at the end of each module to ensure that the team fully understand and benefit from the training provided.

The ease of accessibility of the new platform means staff from across our three offices in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen, will be able to access it at any point. So, whether they are out of the office or perhaps find a spare hour at their desk, they can use the new e-learning platform at their ease. We hope that this flexible training approach will allow staff to improve their skills at their own pace alongside carrying out their daily duties.

The new e-learning platform will help us build upon our ongoing efforts with our ‘Go Paperless’ campaign. The platform will reduce the need for training paperwork, guides and other resources and keep it all efficiently stored and easily accessible online.

Investing in our people is important to James Gibb. It has been long recognised that a team with adequate resources and knowledge is more competent, confident and satisfied with their work. Our staff are looking forward to using the new portal which should be ready for use around July 2019. We are confident that their new skills will help to continually build upon our standards of excellence to all of our customers.

Out of Hours Emergency. Call us on 0333 240 8325 where our helpline operators will assist you

Glasgow (Head Office)

Red Tree Magenta, 3rd Floor,

270 Glasgow Road, Glasgow, G73 1UZ 



Edinburgh Office

23 Alva Street, 

Edinburgh, EH2 4PS





Aberdeen Office

Suite 1B, 26-28 Merchant Exchange,
Exchange Street, Aberdeen, AB11 6PH 







Dundee Office

Unit J, Prospect Business Centre,
Gemini Crescent, Dundee, DD2 1TY 



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