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Due to the Red Weather Warning issued for Friday 24 January, we have made the decision to close our office to ensure the safety of our staff. Our team will be working from home during this time.

Please note that we will be available to receive your calls. However, we will only instruct contractors to attend to repairs where it is safe to do so.  There may be delays in your calls being answered and we would appreciate your patience as we deal with a higher than usual call volume.  


James Gibb supports employee’s education

James Gibb is proud to continue investing in its people as we support one of our Property Manager’s in undertaking a BSc (Hons) Construction and the Built Environment via the Graduate Apprenticeship scheme at Heriot Watt University.

Working collaboratively with Heriot Watt University with this ground-breaking initiative, James Gibb is able to shape the skills development of our Property Managers around the needs of the industry – helping to ensure our staff have the knowledge, ability and understanding required to deliver an exemplary factoring service.

The Construction and the Built Environment GA programme aims to develop ‘high-quality employees capable of playing key- and leadership roles in leading organisations across the property management industry.

New or existing employees in Scotland of any age can apply for the programme. They’ll be required to spend 20% of their time studying at university and 80% of their time working over the course of four years. The programme is fully accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), enabling our Property Manager to become a Chartered professional.

By the end of the programme, scholars should graduate with a highly sought-after skillset, including:

  • Competence in project and delivery management inclyding the knowledge, skills, and professional competences necessary to begin practice as a professional in the construction and the built environment sector.
  • Competence in the valuation of land and property (applies to those within the land and property sector only)
  • An understanding of appropriate solutions around the principles of design and technology
  • Apply and understand relevant laws – describe standards, regulations and their consequences across the sector

At James Gibb, our employees are one of our most important assets, which is why we believe investing in our team’s training and professional development is vital. Moreover, it’s crucial we have the best set of professional on our team who can help us achieve our four key values: Integrity, Quality, Performance, and Clarity.

More information on the Graduate Apprenticeship our Property Manager is undertaking can be found here.

Out of Hours Emergency. Call us on 0333 240 8325 where our helpline operators will assist you

Glasgow (Head Office)

Red Tree Magenta, 3rd Floor,

270 Glasgow Road, Glasgow, G73 1UZ 



Edinburgh Office

23 Alva Street, 

Edinburgh, EH2 4PS





Aberdeen Office

Suite 1B, 26-28 Merchant Exchange,
Exchange Street, Aberdeen, AB11 6PH 







Dundee Office

Unit J, Prospect Business Centre,
Gemini Crescent, Dundee, DD2 1TY 



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