Due to technical upgrades being carried out on Wednesday 19 February our phonelines may be down during these essential works. If you experience any issues contacting us by telephone during this time, please contact your regional office by email and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.
A-Z of Property Factors: Part 3
If you follow us on social media, you may have noticed that we are running an informative A-Z series focussing on the terms used in property factoring. We hope this will help you understand what we do and how we serve you.
Read part 1 of our A-Z of Property Factors series here and part 2 here.
We’re rounding up the final part of the series with letters S-Z below.
S is for Sinking Funds
Many of our developments have a sinking fund (sometimes called a contingency or reserve fund) set up. This allows owners to pay a relatively small additional sum quarterly which builds up the sinking fund which can then be used to meet the cost of any larger scale repair or maintenance project.
T is for Transparent Costs
We always aim to be transparent with our costs. In all cases, from routine maintenance to major projects, the price you pay is the price we pay. We do not take any premium, mark up or commission from any of our contractors. This gives absolute clarity of prices and ensures we constantly work to ensure that you are getting the best value for money for the level and standard of work you have requested.
U is for Under One Roof
A helpful website giving independent advice to owners on property factoring and building maintenance in Scotland. Check it out at http://www.underoneroof.scot/.
V is for Values
Integrity, quality, performance and clarity are our 4 core values. Our values help us to ensure we provide our customers with an exemplary service package in order that, together, we can maintain and enhance the communities in which we live.
W is for Written Statement of Services
A document defining our terms and service delivery standards of the arrangement in place between us and the homeowner. Read it here.
X is for X Factor
Customer service, experience, market knowledge and dedicated staff set us apart.
Y is for Years of Experience
We’ve been in business since 1872, giving us a wealth of experience and knowledge of the market to provide the very best service to you.
Z is for Zzzz
All property owners deserve a good night’s sleep and noise nuisance/anti-social behaviour can be very distressing. Letting us know of any issues allows us to contact letting agents or owners but your first port of call to report incidents should be your local police or council.
If you have any questions, please get in touch by calling 0333 240 8325 or emailing enquiries@jamesgibb.co.uk.